Beer, wine, liquor and happiness home delivered...

Photo ID
Required as proof of your identity and age. Make sure that your Bewede account has matching information.

11 AM to 6 PM
As per the prevalent rules across different locations, the orders are accepted only between these timings.

Electronic payment is necessary to validate user age, identity.

How Does It Work?
In 3 simple steps:
Enter delivery address
Let us know where you want the delivery and we will show you what is available in that area.
Browse for different brands, products offered by various retailers in the area and compare their prices. Select what you want us to deliver, add it to cart and complete the order with payment.
Get ready to enjoy
We will let you know when your order is on their way with the goods and you can get ready to have a great time.
We are here...
We know you’re excited to know which all places we server. Here are some of the places where we can get drinks to your door in under 120 minutes.
Currently running in...
- Pune
- New Delhi/NCR
Coming soon...
- Mumbai
- Hyderabad
- Bengaluru
- Kolkata
Currently running in...
- Washington DC
- New York City
- Miami
- San Francisco
- Chicago
- Los Angeles
Coming soon...
- Washington DC
- New York City
- Miami
- San Francisco
- Chicago
- Los Angeles